Saying Good-Bye to 2023 and Hello to 2024!
2023 has been a fantastic blur. The only way I can describe it as a comedy of sorts, a psychological thriller, and a horror film all rolled into 12 months. With every plot twist, a new challenge. And while it might not have been the most ideal happily ever after, it provided great entertainment and growth opportunities as I embrace a New Year.
Some of the most profound lessons:
Trust in the Process, Even If It’s Hard
I started the year off feverishly preparing all of the final details for approaching literary agents to represent my book. With the help of a talented book coach, Rick Wolff, I was able to successfully write the book in just 8 months. During the process, Rick and I met weekly to pour through the pages, make any adjustments, and set new deadlines for the next chapter. As we reached the first of many milestones, I drafted the acknowledgements which spoke to his credit in coaching me and helping me find the right words to tell my story. We both teared up, shared many appreciations, and spoke excitedly of what was to come.
I learned just a week later that he passed away unexpectedly. I was overcome with grief for his family, colleagues, and clients. I had the privilege of working with Rick for one year – and his impact on me was immeasurable. I was paralyzed in the process. Without his guidance, experience, and vigor for helping get this book in the hands of an agent and publisher, I questioned whether I could move it forward on my own. This life dream – a product 30-years in the making – shelved…..
After a few months, I motivated myself to start the process again, knowing that he’d expect nothing less! And after many rejections from this industry, I received a “yes.” I trusted in the work and I continue to follow the process. And while hard, it’s totally worth it.
In a Cast of Characters, There Is Always a Friendly Villain
I am a fundamentally loyal person, almost to a fault in some cases. I pride myself on building relationships and nurturing those relationships whether I’ve known someone for 5 years or 40 years. I trust in my sphere of influence blindly. On occasion, I am rattled when I learn that there is a friendly enemy in the mix – someone who we find doesn’t really have our best interests at heart.
And while it might feel like a sucker punch that leaves you winded, it’s one more reminder of the human condition. It’s possible that the person who has betrayed you is reacting to their own life circumstance. Don’t let it affect how you treat other relationships. Rather than let it kill your spirit, focus the attention on other relationships that bring value to your life.
Embrace Being Vulnerable
Brené Brown certainly provides motivation on the art of being vulnerable. She equates vulnerability to growth. Turns out, being vulnerable is just as difficult as she reports it to be and I really don’t care for it. Who does?
When I submitted the artwork for my book, my publisher said something to the effect of “the designs look nice but don’t work for this book. Either we market a concept, or we market you. It needs to be you.” I shuddered at the thought of putting a picture of myself on the cover. Even as we market the book on digital channels, I struggle with seeing my face on the screen in the hopes that the internet trolls are kind.
The truth is – I am vulnerable most days, whether it’s growing the business, promoting the book, or just being a mom. It’s uncomfortable being out in front for others to see or judge. And it hasn’t stopped me. Don’t let it stop you!
Celebrate the Wins
As an entrepreneur, my mind is never fully at rest. From the time I wake up, until I go to bed, I am thinking, analyzing, planning, executing, etc. There are days that it’s hard to see beyond the mistakes or deal with challenges. It’s easy to forget to celebrate the wins. I talk about this in my book.
I set aggressive goals for myself – whether business or personal. I feverishly check them off the list once I’ve accomplished the task and set new goals with new deadlines. This year has taught me many things. I realized that I was spending more time dissecting the losses than understanding the importance of each win. I had forgotten why I set the goal in the first place.
When there is a win, take a moment to celebrate. Reflect on what the win stands for. Let it inspire you to take on what’s next!
And if you take nothing else from my experiences in 2023, the best part about the end of a year is the promise of another! Here’s to an exciting 2024!